Day 779: phony phone

Day 779: phony phone

Writing this bad boy tonight on the old iPhone, which means it’s gonna be a short one. That’s fine, it was a pretty straight forward one today anyway. Work happened in spurts, but I got done what I need to, thank you baby Jesus. Both narrations and Flix...


And it’s under 10,000 words! The first draft is done, guys. I’m not entirely sure if the last couple scenes are working as well as I want them to, but hey, they’re WRITTEN. Now I get to READ it and see what’s actually working and what...
Day 777: Whew!

Day 777: Whew!

Jean-Claude Hadi did tonight’s artwork. First of all, it is muthaeffin coooollllddddd. For LA. Which really means not-cold…but it’s all relative, guys! You get used to things being a certain way! It’s currently 390 outside right now....
Day 776: Wiped

Day 776: Wiped

Today was loooooong 😛 The one thing about doing these narrations is that I don’t get to put anything on in the background – music, netflix, etc. It’s just narrating 24/7, no distractions. That really takes it out of you. I can only do them for about...
Day 775: This is good

Day 775: This is good

Artwork tonight from Bettina von Armin I had a really good day today. I’m feeling GOOD, you guys. I feel focused. Determined. The “end” in sight, and then some time off to spend with loved ones. The end of this first draft is now in sight, too. It...