Day 2,553: Nightly Creative

Day 2,553: Nightly Creative

Just did a spot of the old writing. Went well. Always seems to go well in the evenings, to be honest. I think that’s my natural creative time. It’s hard to set that time aside, though, since that’s also when Liz is active and we like to spend that time together. I...
Day 2,552: Aches

Day 2,552: Aches

I have really bad posture. I’m not sure when that really happened, but it was early. It might be because I have a curve in my lower back that kinda offsets my center of balance, but I’m always a little hunched over. Or, not always, but often. Not a fan. Maybe 2021 is...
Day 2,551: So Much

Day 2,551: So Much

So much to do. So many projects. I do that. I collect them. I pile them up, because I love being productive. I’m turning the corner in that regard with my writing. I can feel it building inside of me, the knowledge that I can make money doing this so long as I can...
Day 2,550: The King

Day 2,550: The King

Watched King Kong with J tonight for the cast. I’d never seen it! It was truly impressive, still plays to this day. It’s also suuuuper duper racist. Work was great today. Rocked it. Very very productive this week. That was nice. Even had a great writing session this...
Day 2,549: My Addiction

Day 2,549: My Addiction

Guys, I have an addiction… I don’t think I’ve talked about it before. I am addicted to… …animal rescue videos. It’s true! I’ll see the little notification of a new one on the Facebook app, and I can’t help myself. I’ll spend the next 2-3 minutes...