Day 3,550: She Will Not Be Tamed

Day 3,550: She Will Not Be Tamed

Coops has a heart murmur. He saw a cardiologist today and the news is about as good as it could possibly be. Downside, he does have a heart murmur. The upside: it’s a type that has an 80% chance of developing so slowly it will never be an issue, and currently, his...
Day 3,549: Of Sprints and Marathons

Day 3,549: Of Sprints and Marathons

I was much closer to my page goal today. Sixteen pages. Just four shy. Granted, it means I’m well shy of what I wanted to cover in the first two days, but I’m not focused on that right now. There will be time to make that up in the days to come. For these sprint days,...
Day 3,548: Dave

Day 3,548: Dave

Making this a quick one! Didn’t hit my page goal today, but I did fine. About half what I wanted to, but here’s the thing: a single day doesn’t matter so much as it matters getting right back at it the next day. I know this. There’s always time to make up ground. And...
Day 3,547: Dance Monkey

Day 3,547: Dance Monkey

Joy has a new game where she likes to go underneath our top blanket, twist around for a bit, and then dig. It COMPLETELY messes up the bed…and she loves it. Looooooves. She’s doing it right now. Sigh. She’s so cute, you guys. Her little belly incision from getting...
Day 3,546: Strawberry

Day 3,546: Strawberry

Joy just “fixed” the bed. She went under the covers, dig some digging, some twisting, popped back up for air, and then laid down happy with her work. I do have to say, it is objectively better now. Lazy day. Needed it. Whew! I’m still exhausted. Wiiiiped. Night...