Day 3,027: Carmen.

Day 3,027: Carmen.

Happy Birthday to Thilde! She’s ten this week. Party was today at LACMA, but her actual birthday was a few days ago. Dad set up a scavenger hunt in the museum which ended up outside in the amphitheater and Liz sitting on top of a black box. It had a bunch of jewels...
Day 3,026: So Well Written

Day 3,026: So Well Written

Long day. Great day! Got to hang with J. We went to the Skirball, which I’ve never been to before (!) and saw the visiting Star Trek exhibit there which had a TON of really cool props and models and costumes. They even had a mock-up of a jeffries tube that was fun to...
Day 3,025: The Final Phase

Day 3,025: The Final Phase

Entering, finally, the final phase of the project. It involved lifting things today. I am…tired. Had a little bit of a rough night’s sleep last night, too, but I got up on time and I was surprisingly “up” and ready to go. I wrote. I did my Netflix work. I did my SHIT....
Day 3,024: Godmother

Day 3,024: Godmother

Had Godmother sandwiches from Bay Cities Deli today. So, soooo good. So good and filling I didn’t even need a full dinner tonight. I woke up on time. I was TIRED, but I did my shit! I wrote. I got a few scenes nailed down. More tomorrow! Finding my groove, slowly but...
Day 3,023: Try Again…

Day 3,023: Try Again…

As expected, this morning was rough. I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard. But, I got a little bit done, and more importantly, I was up on time. Same thing tomorrow. But, I can feel it: tomorrow I will get more done. A lot more. I’m not even stuck on my...
Day 3,022: Enthused

Day 3,022: Enthused

Well, I did it. I got up when my alarm went off. I really, reeeaalllyyy didn’t want to, and I wasn’t all that productive this morning in protest…but I did it. And it’ll probably be worse tomorrow, and maybe even the day after that…but after a few more days, it’ll...