Day 1,125: New Computer…

Day 1,125: New Computer…

So, I’m here in bed writing this entry on my brand new computer. Finally! Four years ago I bought myself a refurbished iMac on credit. I remember feeling so, so guilty for that. I was broke. As poor as I’d ever been. I was living off unemployment and...
Day 1,109: Optimism

Day 1,109: Optimism

I did some podcasting with Josh today, and the subject of optimism came up. I told him about how yesterday, the day after this historic election, I was having a really hard time getting up to do anything, and all I wanted to do was watch Star Trek. And, granted,...
Day 1,083: Editing editing editing

Day 1,083: Editing editing editing

I helped Josh today with his feature film. We (finally) finished a pass on Act 1. There are two more acts. I know he’d originally wanted to be done with the film in August. That’s probably going to be off by about 12 months. Seriously…to anyone and...
Day 1,073: Adieu Season Deux

Day 1,073: Adieu Season Deux

Josh and I bid adieu today to season two of Star Trek (the original series). That means we’ve done 55 episodes of Two Guys One Trek. FIFTY-FIVE. That’s crazy to me. I have so much work ahead of me editing all those down. Earlier in the year, I was able to...
Day 1,032: You’re Probably Trapped

Day 1,032: You’re Probably Trapped

You’ve got to fight back! Take down the man, Fight for your freedom! The above are the opening lyrics for Josh and my newest band…either The Excellents, or The Thralls Have No Freedom. The second name there is a reference to Two Guys One Trek, season...