Day 712: Backyard Movie Night

Day 712: Backyard Movie Night

It was our good friend Cat’s birthday tonight…well, good friend for me. She’s practically Liz’s adopted sister. Not even “practically”…she IS Liz’s adopted sister. For her birthday, they rented a blow-up screen for their...
Day 710: Garbage

Day 710: Garbage

We went and saw one of Liz’s teenage obsessions tonight; Garbage was playing at the Greek. She’s never seen them live before. How crazy is that? All this time…it’s been 20 years, in fact, since their debut album came out. That’s why...
Day 455: Rainy Sidewalk

Day 455: Rainy Sidewalk

Concept artwork for Return of the Jedi tonight by Ralph McQuarrie, in honor of Reed and myself talking about Star Wars today. It’s raining in LA right now. I love it when it does, it makes it feel a little bit like my home growing up. I used to love going...
Day 435: Vacations

Day 435: Vacations

…they aren’t as easy as they sound. At least not for me, when I’m home, that is. It’s not a joke, actually. I’m having these wild impulses to do exorbitant amounts of work, and I’m only what, three days into this self-imposed...