Day 1,027: It Means I Love You

Day 1,027: It Means I Love You

The Ho just belched coming into bed, our bed, at home, praise be to baby g…not the belch, the bed at home…but also the belch. I told her it sounded beautiful, and she replied that it meant that she loves me. And you know what? I know that’s the...
Day 1,018: Solid Like Fist

Day 1,018: Solid Like Fist

Had a solid work day today. Man, I just had trouble typing right there for a second. How weird, it was like all the sudden my keyboard wasn’t the right size… Do you guys remember TYPING classes, back in the day. This would be for any of my fellow...
Day 1,004: To Comma?

Day 1,004: To Comma?

Or not to comma? Now that I’m in comma territory with this number of these entries…have I already committed myself to using the comma every time? Or do you think there’s still time to make that decision. My gut tells me I think I’ve already...
Day 1,003: That moment when…

Day 1,003: That moment when…

…you realize that you’ve been off a day on your count for the blog, for, like two and a half months…yeah. It’s true. I mean, I guess this time at least I’m off BEHIND a day as opposed to the last time it happened where I realized I had...
Day 797: It’s only the 3rd

Day 797: It’s only the 3rd

It feels like New Years was a freaking week ago…it was two days ago. Perhaps that’s what work days will do to you 😛 I’m bushwhacked. I worked the end of 2015 hard core, and I’m feeling it right now. I played a bit of the Skyrim, and I think I...