Day 1,129: Amazinauseating

Day 1,129: Amazinauseating

The Ho is on the phone right now with her seester and we just came up with a new word: “amazinauseating.” It’s, obviously, a combination of the word “amazing” and “nauseating.” You know, for those things in life that are...
Day 1,127: Weeerrrrkkkk

Day 1,127: Weeerrrrkkkk

Oh my god. I’m on deadline overload. Or, maybe not OVERload, but definitely LOAD. Like in my pants. Ha! Starting off the entry tonight with toilet humor. Buckle up, bish. Yeah, so so so much stuff I have to get done, and like THIS WEEK to boot. Flix work is off...
Day 1,124: Moana’s good

Day 1,124: Moana’s good

You should go see Moana. It’s really, really, *really* good. One of the best movies I’ve seen in a while, for sure. Made me tear up in several spots. Also…it was an adventure story, and I am a sucker for adventure stories. I didn’t really...
Day 1,122: Determined

Day 1,122: Determined

Another success story today – two writing sessions. To be honest, I have to confess that neither of them were a full hour…but they were each 45 minutes, and so I’m okay with that. I *can* eek out a little more productivity from those two hours,...


Okay, so first off, before we talk about video games…I *rocked* my work day today. The one, teeny tiniest little snuff was that I missed my morning writing sesh because of some other family work that I needed to take care of. Other than that, today was just one...