by Ira | Nov 14, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Boy, did we New York it today! We got up at 7 in the morning…just to be clear…that’s FOUR AM west coast time…and we went into the city and walked around in Chelsea. This elevated train track area has been repurposed there as a park you can walk...
by Ira | Nov 13, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Uuuuggghhhh…so I just realized that I’ve been numbering the past eleven or so blog entries incorrectly. I went from day #1100 to day #1001…so, I think that means that not only have I *skipped* a day and my numbering is off…but I went back a...
by Ira | Nov 12, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
It’s so friggin late right now. Gah! I had a busy, busy day. And now it’s a bit too late to write about it in detail…so we’ll go quick: Finished my Netflix work for the week. Edited with Josh for the rest of the day on his feature film, then...
by Ira | Nov 11, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Oof. Today was a long day. Lots of work, with a trip to the ol’ cinemas in the middle of it there with the Ho. We saw Arrival, which was pretty damn good. I wouldn’t say it was amazing or incredible…though the language theory that it’s based on...
by Ira | Nov 10, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
I did some podcasting with Josh today, and the subject of optimism came up. I told him about how yesterday, the day after this historic election, I was having a really hard time getting up to do anything, and all I wanted to do was watch Star Trek. And, granted,...