Day 3,831: Candy Roundup

Day 3,831: Candy Roundup

Late night. We were ‘castin. Continuing our journey through Hitchcock. We’re halfway through—more than halfway, actually, which is wild. Feels like the beginning took so long, and now we’re in the middle and it’s just flying by. 28 films we’ve watched so far. Crazy....
Day 3,830: ‘Tainer

Day 3,830: ‘Tainer

Joy, once again, curled up right in my lap. Right behind this iPad as I type this. Falling asleep. So happy. Me too, babes, Me, TOO. It was a better day today! I got up on time. I got my writing done, and didn’t make oodles of progress, but I am happy with what I did....
Day 3,829: Robit

Day 3,829: Robit

Sigh. Another zonked day. But not tomorrow. I can feel it. Tomorrow, it’s as simple as getting up on time, staying off my phone, and just going for it. Back into the zone. It’s going to feel good. A relief. I took another epiiiccc nap today. Finished a project for...
Day 3,828: Sagrada

Day 3,828: Sagrada

Coops’ eye is definitely better tonight. Whew! He has it open, and he’s able to see with it. I mean, there wasn’t anything the ER doc told us that would indicate they were worried about whether or not it would heal, but still…it’s good to see. He’s definitely doing...
Day 3,827: Better

Day 3,827: Better

Coops is feeling better today. His pep was back in his step, even if his eye is still obviously bothering him. He can open it better tonight, especially, so that’s a relief. Mostly though it was just good to see him acting more like normal today. He wanted to eat. He...
Day 3,826: Coopey

Day 3,826: Coopey

Poor Coops. He has an ulcer in his right eye. He’s had a couple of those over the past few months, we realize, and so he’s going to go see a specialist about it. Tonight, he’s in the cone of doom and on meds. It’s almost 3am. Night night.