Day 805: Crushed

Day 805: Crushed

As in, I crushed today. Not like something crushed me. Today was just one of those days, man, where I did everything I set out to do. All of it. I wrote for all the hours I wanted to, which turned out to be exactly how much time I needed to finish the second draft of...


And it’s under 10,000 words! The first draft is done, guys. I’m not entirely sure if the last couple scenes are working as well as I want them to, but hey, they’re WRITTEN. Now I get to READ it and see what’s actually working and what...
Day 777: Whew!

Day 777: Whew!

Jean-Claude Hadi did tonight’s artwork. First of all, it is muthaeffin coooollllddddd. For LA. Which really means not-cold…but it’s all relative, guys! You get used to things being a certain way! It’s currently 390 outside right now....
Day 767: Nubbins

Day 767: Nubbins

Icy artwork tonight from Richard Bizley. I was worn down to the nubbins today, y’all. I didn’t have it in me. So, I rested. Hopefully that’s all it takes. I really want to finish this year like a boss. I *will* finish this year like a boss,...
Day 766: Tire Extravaganza

Day 766: Tire Extravaganza

Artwork tonight from Russian Cosmonaut Aleksey A. Leonov The Panda-mobile has new tires! Pandas around the world rejoice! That was kind of the main feature of the day, the getting of the tires. We got them from Costco, and it was a bit of an adventure, not all of...